IIoT Integration Partnership for Machine Builders

IIoT Integration Partnership for Machine Builders

Considering the constraints of hardware-driven growth, industrial equipment, and machinery companies are turning to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to build new customer-focused, profit-enhancing business models. Also, these companies are planning a transformation to adapt the IIoT to broaden an accurate perspective to drive an impact at large.

The IIOT can increase operational production efficiency greatly. The Digital-enabled advancements in manufacturing require IIoT transformation, regardless of whether the focus is on revenue from new business models, savings from efficiently organized production, or both.

According to estimates, factory settings using IoT apps for operations optimization might generate $1.2 to $3.7 trillion annually in 2025. Manufacturers and equipment builders are ideally able to collaboratively produce this value thanks to recent advancements in IoT technology. Machine makers have the ideal chance to expand beyond their stand-alone product line and offer value-added services that are focused on their clients’ ultimate objective: increasing production capacity.

Leveraging Industrial IoT sensors and gateways to acquire resources and process data

Equipment and machine manufacturers stand to gain significantly by incorporating connection into their products. Internet-connected machines have the ability to transmit data about their behaviour, whether they are operating at their optimum set point, whether they decline early, whether they might break, and much more.

A variety of equipment performance indicators can be measured by new IIoT sensors that are integrated with connection and can be mounted to already-existing industrial equipment. IIoT gateways use low-power wide-area (LPWA) networks to combine data from several sensors placed across sizable surface locations. Before delivering information to the OEM’s cloud back-end, they do elementary edge processing. New IIoT gateways typically allow data transmission without requiring interference in the manufacturer’s privacy-sensitive networks and provide OTA (over-the-air) use cases.

Integrating analytics, automation, and data integration into positioning for value-added services

Connected machines can provide manufacturing customers with advantages including optimised power consumption and improved efficiency, as well as fewer operational flaws and early mistake repair. But for the majority of these advantages to be reaped, such as with any IoT-enabled gadget, some data must be transferred to the cloud.

In order to assure secure data collection, storage, and management of the data from equipment IIoT sensors and gateways, major cloud providers like Microsoft Azure or AWS are popular alternatives for equipment builders. Additionally, since handling and making sense of the velocity and amount of data can be challenging, it is crucial to have the proper software foundation for integrating, analyzing, and acting.

A versatile IIoT software platform would be able to integrate the domain experts from the equipment builder with the actual machine data.

Optimal IIoT platform boosts efficiency and accommodates future requirements

The industrial equipment and machinery sector has a particularly high opportunity to profit from IIoT platforms due to their highly automatable processes and increasingly linked components. It doesn’t take much planning or budget upfront to test the initial potential applications of IIoT platforms in your business.

By getting started right away, your business will benefit from early results and be able to move quickly towards realizing the full potential of intelligently connecting IIoT platforms, enterprise applications, and shop-floor systems to create an integrated industrial software stack.

Why select Product Engineering Companies as your IIOT integration partner?

By incorporating more excellent capability into their equipment, OEMs may help their clients’ lower production risks and expenses as a result of developments in IIoT technology. Adding new capabilities to machines typically entails gathering and using data on the state of their machines and how they are being utilized, both existing and new.

Product Engineering Companies provide machine builders and OEMs with an IoT platform with integrated IIoT gateways for simple data collecting and a full suite of software tools for automation, analytics, and asset and process monitoring that speed up the creation of IoT solutions. Additionally, they offer a flexible visualization dashboard that can be white-labeled and customized to meet the particular needs of your clients.

Sanghamitra Roychoudhary

She is a professional Technical Writer, Content Marketing Specialist, Content Editor. Author of IT Techno Solutions. She's a learner for lifetime; and explores WordPress, and shares new and fresh findings to develop her proficiency and also help her audience with the latest IT technology learnings.

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Sanghamitra Roychoudhary

She is a professional Technical Writer, Content Marketing Specialist, Content Editor. Author of IT Techno Solutions. She's a learner for lifetime; and explores WordPress, and shares new and fresh findings to develop her proficiency and also help her audience with the latest IT technology learnings.

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