Google Algorithm Changes in 2022

Google Algorithm Changes in 2022 and how it affects SMEs?

Google inputs tremendous efforts to excel as the best search engine. We need to understand them and reach accordingly to those changes to make our websites and contents look better in the eyes of Google.

“Google algorithm, according to Layman’s terms, is known to be an interconnected system for regaining vital information from Google index.”

Google algorithm applies 200 factors to rank websites and information, reflecting upon those which are most helpful for every search, thus presenting accurate results on the search engine results page [SERP]. Google Algorithm keeps changing every year and in 2022, it has already started making a bigger impact. One has to be aware of these algorithm changes that impact your SEO and can be well-prepared for them.

Key SEO strategies on how to make Google algorithms notice you

One should consider some key factors that help get your website to rank higher on search engines. You need to optimize several sections of your website so that Google algorithms can quickly see you. These important factors include – Title tags, Alt Text for Images, Page Speed, Keywords, Meta description, Optimized content, Clear images, internal links, SSL certificate, Keywords in URL.

Google Algorithm changes 2022 puts an impact on SEO
Google Algorithm changes 2022 puts an impact on SEO (Drive Social Media)

How Google algorithm affects the SMEs

The important Google algorithm changes are updated at the beginning of 2022. Hence, those SMEs who are keen to maintain their SERP position can upgrade their SEO strategies beforehand. Let us make you know how the Google algorithm affects SMEs!


1# Multitask Unified Model (MUM)

Google’s Multitask Unified Model [MUM] technology that rolled in passage indexing in June 2021, has upgraded itself in January 2022 and is mostly increased over time. MUM stands 1,000x stronger than the previous BERT and has performed many upcoming features that are made possible by the latest advances in AI. MUM will also boost Google’s proficiency to comprehend complicated queries and Google has even teased a few key features like –

  • translated results from multilingual content
  • vital search through Google lens and image recognition
  • subtopics available for the users to explore them
  • “Things to Know” section focuses on the main details of the topic users’ search
  • ‘Refine this search’ and ‘Broaden this search’ feeds options for users to get deeper into the topics
  • Better understanding of misspelled words
  • Good understanding of vital moments in video contents

2# Link Spam Update

Building links has been a significant SEO practice applied by marketers. The quality backlinks of your website measure how better it will be ranked on SEO. But they might engross in link spam to enhance their backlink numbers. Google algorithm change in 2022 dejects link spamming. The algorithms can study the relevance and quality of links on web pages’ quality. Those websites that are monetizing themselves via guest posts, affiliate links or social media promotions need to be more careful of this major change. Hence, it is recommended to follow Google’s all-link qualifying guidelines.

3# Page experience Score and Core Web Vitals

Google has improved the page experience signal in 2022, to increase the overall user experience of the top-listed pages. Each page will be assigned a score that will be exhibited on the Google Search Console. Thus, they integrate various existing signals with three new core web vitals signals including loading, interactivity, and visual stability. This change also prioritizes mobile-friendliness, ad experience, and UX.

The primary impact of such a rollout has been easy-going on indexed websites. But the experts have the believe that Google will generate extended changes which may have an immense outcome on the ranking. That’s the reason the marketers should be cautious of this update and begin optimizing their websites.

Three Core Web Vitals signals include:

  • Loading: Refers to the loading time, though Google is evolving the way it evaluates this with a new standard known as Largest Contentful Paint [LCP].
  • Interactivity: Assesses the reactions of interactive sections on your web page [for example, buttons or links] after the users click on them, making use of a new standard called First Input Delay [FID].
  • Visual stability: Notices the movements of the sections after they have been loaded on the web pages and also notes if any unstableness is caused, while applying a new standard known as Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

4# Product review updates

This is a key Google algorithm change where product reviews should be appropriate for the content creators monetizing via affiliate marketing. Google prefers ranking high-quality, authentic reviews under such change.

5# Broad Core Update in 2021

Broad core updates are more refined, and many websites obviously don’t feel the consequence of these evolutions on their websites. The 2021 July update was one such key update followed by November update. Still a vagueness is there regarding the ranking factors it impacted. But few SEO professionals believe it fetched slight changes in the ‘Image Search’ and ‘People Also Ask’ segments of the SERP. Google recommends that websites can’t act much for optimizing their core updates.

But when the websites create higher quality content, then they gradually recover from the ranking dips. Hence, the marketers need to go deep in following the Google’s content guidelines time-to-time updated and enhance their rankings.


Vital Takeaways

  • Google algorithms uses various aspects to decide the SEO ranking of the web pages where they have to be high-quality, accurate, authentic and relevant.
  • Page experience update lists mobile-friendly, UX, and ad experience while assessing the score on Google Search Console to have a great user experience on the web pages.
  • Google’s link spam update has the right to fine those websites applying faulty, irrelevant links to achieve authority. In order not to lose ranking, the marketers need to qualify their sponsored and affiliate links.
  • Google algorithm updates aids the search engine to correspond the advanced technology as well as black hat SEO strategies. Hence, they are critical for increasing the searcher experience.
  • Product reviews update is applicable for the content creators who are monetizing their sites via affiliate marketing, as Google ranks high-quality, reliable reviews only.
  • Multitask Unified Model [MUM], being the new technology, assists the Google to answer complicated queries efficiently. Few features that come under this update include image search, Google leans, ‘Refine this search.’


To summarize, it’s important to focus on the Google algorithm changes every year to bring in more traffic and SEO ranking by analysing them carefully!

Sanghamitra Roychoudhary

She is a professional Technical Writer, Content Marketing Specialist, Content Editor. Author of IT Techno Solutions. She's a learner for lifetime; and explores WordPress, and shares new and fresh findings to develop her proficiency and also help her audience with the latest IT technology learnings.

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Sanghamitra Roychoudhary

She is a professional Technical Writer, Content Marketing Specialist, Content Editor. Author of IT Techno Solutions. She's a learner for lifetime; and explores WordPress, and shares new and fresh findings to develop her proficiency and also help her audience with the latest IT technology learnings.

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