Best Social Media Marketing Trends in 2017

As the year 2017 has started off, the social media has turned out to be more significant than the last year. Not only the brand businesses are depending on the social media for their promotions, but the consumers too are benefiting hugely from them. We have shared here few of the best Social Media Marketing trends which will be essential and helpful all through this year!

1# Live Streaming: Live streaming has been hugely popular these days as your audience can see your activities directly and interact via live messages. This has been one of the largest social media marketing developments for 2017. Snapchat, Meerkat, and Periscope have already broken records for real-time video clips as well as live streaming, and now Facebook has been touching skies with its crazy live streaming. As per the polls that took place in a Facebook group, around 68 to 70% small business groups conveyed that their favored way to obtain vital information was by live streaming and through videos.

Live Streaming Video (Mondo)

2# AI (Artificial Intelligence): AI is known as Artificial Intelligence, and in real meaning, signifies machine learning. This is surely a trend for this year where the human beings are set to be swapped by AI.

3# Snapchat’s progression leads to innovative opportunities: Snapchat has approached with a tremendous evolution, as it is now known to be Snap. It has experienced a huge change and moving towards a great future. Snap has previously converted user anticipations and main trends occurring in social marketing globe. Snap returned back with additional moment-focusing analysis of communication and live-contents, and initiated vertical videos, and helped additional mobile-centric app growths in mainstream. Now Snap is focusing on expanding products, thus assisting the users to apprehend the first-person visual info. It also brings forward many new marketing possibilities for excellent progression.

Great progress on Snapchat (Incitrio)

4# Short-life Contents: Snapchat has perceived that short-life contents are making big social marketing trend for the ongoing 2017. Twitter is a key example of continuous noise and blasts among audiences, and getting it tough to sift through and even come across some really nice stuff. Last year Instagram crafted a new feature named Instagram Stories which stays inside Instagram platform and provides the users the right choice to craft contents which last for smaller time period, and again fades away for better.

5# Craving for More Videos and Images: Audiences across the world have begun to insist social media as a channel for additional sensational experiences. Just posting your reactions regarding an event is not enough; you need to exhibit your users how is it to be over there. You can execute things such as 360 images as well as videos, live videos, and also real-time positing. Your users should feel that they are a real share of experience.

6# Ad Revitalization will happen: There has been a decline of organic visibility for some time with many platforms attempting to provide to individual customers over the organizations. But another advantage for social media platforms is that it compels many companies to experiment in the paid advertising. With enhanced competition and demands to stay gainful, has even compelled social platforms to approach with innovative and resourceful advertising opportunities for many businesses. The blend of such aspects may direct towards to a new revival in the 2017’s social media advertising.

7# Marketing automation: Almost 90 percent of small businesses drop their money every month as they pay no attention to marketing automation. Thus in order to shift your business to an upper level all through the 2017, you need to accept marketing automation, and also utilize tools which will assist you to gain your results.

Automation Process (Reach Marketing)

8# Measurement: The social networks have established into few of the major targeted ad channels that are around. This is the reason why it has inserted a huge limelight to defend ROI. Advertisers too require vigorous data in the similar way they have for their current channels like TV broadcast and web desktop. This year social networks will be implementing towards contributing on equivalent metrics and even specific advertisers supporting for extra third-party appraisals. One can view better measurement conversations in the organic content. This would carry out to engage in a huge role in the communication strategy of a brand. This the overall practice will switch to more data-driven towards driving ROI while they race with paid as well as earned.

9# DCMS (Distributed Content Management Systems): Crafting, reaching out and further publishing is going ahead of WordPress along with platforms like RebelMouse, thus initiating the first DCMS.

10# Creativity: Visuals are provided to the social media marketers align with platforms like Adobe Spark, Buffer’s Pablo, and Canva. The brands are anticipated to acquire canned visuals towards next level in this year.

11# AR/VR/MR/PR: The trendiest public relations [PR] buzzwords that are spinning heads include augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR). The social media marketers will encounter with working out how to add up with this new technology. One can follow sources like Robert Scoble, VR Scout, and Cathy Hackl.

12# Productivity and Reporting: The social media marketers will require reusing the importance of production and also adjust the social media management features by endowing in its dashboards along with brilliant reporting aspects like Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, or Agorapulse.

13# Brands will select Social Platforms: As per the survival of the fittest, brands will select social platforms. In the year 2017, the trend is mainly towards fine-tuning. Instead of putting efforts on six to seven distinct platforms, many of the businesses will obtain one key platform which functions remarkably for them; thus their whole focus would be on that platform. Thus there would be a bigger strategy between main platforms of this era.

Brands should target the main social media platform (Kissmetrics Blog)

14# New areas of communication will appear: Social media subsists for the common people to interact with each other online, and also it is a superb way for the brands to advertise their products to the consumers. Now the social media is developing in new communicative parts. Few platforms are providing customer services, enhancing the value of exchanges between the brands and the consumers. Some other platforms like Facebook are mainly turning up to better professional communication. Thus anticipate viewing more variety as many of the brands grasp the prospective.

Hence, the above best social media marketing trends are the necessities for any business trying to market on economical budget.

Sanghamitra Roychoudhary

She is a professional Technical Writer, Content Marketing Specialist, Content Editor. Author of IT Techno Solutions. She's a learner for lifetime; and explores WordPress, and shares new and fresh findings to develop her proficiency and also help her audience with the latest IT learnings.

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Sanghamitra Roychoudhary

She is a professional Technical Writer, Content Marketing Specialist, Content Editor. Author of IT Techno Solutions. She's a learner for lifetime; and explores WordPress, and shares new and fresh findings to develop her proficiency and also help her audience with the latest IT learnings.

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